Season 1 Trailer- ANBRWY Interview Talking with Mike

It’s not either/or.  It’s not about just getting by.  It’s about living fully- both in our personal and professional lives. Hi, I’m Jaclyn Paxton, Coach for ANBRWY and this is the podcast that will bring you experience, insight, and lessons learned by others.  We will be interviewing successful people that have been able to design their life and career- and they want to share their lessons, wisdom, and stories with you.

It’s not either/or.  It’s not about just getting by.  It’s about living fully- both in our personal and professional lives.

Hi, I’m Jaclyn Paxton, Coach for ANBRWY and this is the podcast that will bring you experience, insight, and lessons learned by others.  We will be interviewing successful people that have been able to design their life and career- and they want to share their lessons, wisdom, and stories with you.

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